Your blood is responsible for transporting all sorts of materials throughout your body, from oxygen, to hormones, clotting factors, sugar, fats, and the cells of your immune system.
There’s really no need to invest in an expensive cleanse diet or buy tons of detox supplements to help keep your blood clean and free of toxins and waste.
Your liver and your kidneys already do a great job of purifying your blood by removing and breaking down waste. So, your best bet for purifying your blood naturally would be to find ways to help these essential organs function most efficiently.
Read on for a list of the best foods and herbs to help keep these wonderful organs strong and healthy.
Hers are some diets that’s help you to be healthy
Water. By far the best way to boost your kidneys’ performance is to drink enough water
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)