Actor Priyanka Chopra took fans inside her restaurant Sona in New York City. She posted a behind-the-scenes video from the kitchen as she tried helping chefs. However, she also ended up relishing dishes offered by her restaurant as they talked about her love for Indian cuisine.
The video begins with Priyanka in a brown suit while holding ‘steaming hot’ kebab skewers. Before proceeding into the kitchen, she urged viewers to not try it at home and went on to introduce chefs and told them, “Make me competent in the kitchen. I am not saying I can make any of these but what is happening here?”
While she tasted specialties like burrata butter chicken pizza, she also tried making avocado bhel and shared her soft corner for chat masala, the quintessential spice blend found in Indian dishes. She further praised her restaurant team and added, “You guys are bomb. I love eating here.”